Transitions: sound healing & creative thought

Summer 2023 | Inspiration
Yvette Masure
Sound Healer: Surrey
After being quite out at sea – as well as overseas as a BAcC member – well before and during Covid, I returned to the UK for 2022.

Already happily semi-retired, I found myself quite bereft to be honest. In the midst of Covid abroad, unusually separated from my family – my daughter and grandson – having been used to five or six ‘get-togethers’ a year, either abroad in Portugal or in the UK, for close to 12 years. A family kept close-knit and getting the best of both worlds, abroad and in the UK.

Covid brought a total upheaval. Change of lifestyle, country and work trajectory: or rather a totally different way of life and plan. As it did for many, of course.

However, I had always chosen changes in my life. Now I had to see the silver lining of change put upon me… a time to return to UK and to family. Brexit was also a consideration, coupled with travel, finances and not growing any younger: and sustainability. But in the main was the fear of being such a distance from the ones I loved, and them in danger, with only digital access.

I had intuitively known I would at some point no doubt – as I aged possibly – be put in this position. But knowing it and suddenly experiencing it are quite far apart, it seems to me. Many people change countries, so not such a big deal you would think. I found the whole exercise debilitating… as if in a dream where one is unable to move… whilst my daughter had Covid… and there were no flights.

The good news is that every cloud really does have a silver lining. Well, it’s with no doubt the yin and the yang of life. We find strength and courage we never thought we had. When put in a position of choice we see what truly mattered and matters in our lives.

Still, the ‘transition’ has taken me longer than I had expected: one reason being because I have used it as an opportunity to redefine what I would like now – and who I am, now.

After 30 years in professional practice – with a full and comprehensive website on acupuncture, including posting about the 12 Chinese animals every year since I left the UK, not to mention an abundance of articles and the rest – I now could take a big breath. I could look at the other things I had incorporated into my clinic and practice for at least 20 years, as I grew in experience and in myself.

And so to 2023 and a new beginning, enjoying the UK and family close at hand. I decided to leave the shelter of acupuncture – and of the British Acupuncture Council, who have always been supportive, and given me free rein to send in articles, or my calligraphy, for Acu. magazine. And here again, a whole new online platform for all – links, photos, even YouTube videos can be submitted.

I wanted to develop my other interests. I wanted to challenge myself with something I had not done before: public speaking. I joined a community business group – Business BUZZ Guildford – who hold networking ‘events’ where I am now based with family. I used LinkedIn and Instagram to promote my new Profile, though on a back foot still, and still retired: heading towards semi-retirement again… gathering strength for another new trajectory.

I studied and gained a certificate for mushroom nutrition therapy – ongoing. I became a public speaker on occasion, within my new network community, on the topic of adaptogens and fungi. I even became an ambassador for a company who produces them.

A radio show host at a meeting asked me to give an online ‘Random Dialogue’ – six people, six minutes each. Terrified, I agreed. Yes! Getting out of my comfort zone, another challenge I set myself. Different to ‘public speaking’ but in fact equally nerve-racking. Terrifying because tech was Involved: not my forte.

And I did it – though completely unconsciously. Wabi-sabi rather than mindfulness, as in the ‘imperfection‘ side of my life. But it went well: almost an out-of-body experience. I may even do it again.

I talked for six minutes on ‘Sound Healing with Tuning Forks and Tibetan Singing Bowels’ and the science behind it. If you’re interested you can listen to all six Random Dialogues – or move straight through to mine, fifth in the line-up.

Also, five years ago, after 20 years of practice, I made a YouTube video – Quality, Balance, Freedom. It shows me using sound healing and tuning forks, and gives my explanation of this inspirational healing tool.

It’s a very underrated practice. And yet the heartbeat, in our mother’s womb, that rhythm and frequency, is what we are all searching for: in all the wrong places, truth be known. We all crave that warm embrace of loving emotion that we experience when we feel happy. That same primordial sound found in deep meditation.

So taking a new perspective or trajectory can often bring a new source of inspiration. And learning. To be embraced as a way to keep moving forward when the river of life takes a turn.

Where there is a will etc. Always say: I can, I will!

Instagram @yvettemasure