Just ten questions? Zaheera Iqbal

Autumn 2023 | Treats
Zaheera Iqbal
Student Member: Leicestershire

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My morning cup of herbal tea – my favourite is lavender and camomile as it sets me up for a calm morning

What would you save in a fire?

My cats and my family of course! Who are all irreplaceable

How do you get your qi moving?

Qigong because I can actually feel my fingers fizzing whilst doing the movements and I always feel so much more grounded after

Advice for your seven-year-old self?

It’s ok to make mistakes and you don’t need to be perfect at everything

Advice for your 70-year-old self?

Keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone – enjoy and keep trying new things

What makes you sweat?

Yoga, by the end of the hour I am sweating buckets!

Your biggest headache?

Forgetting to put the bins out on bin day

What makes you feel alive?

Walking barefoot on the grass

Favourite thing in your clinic room?

My diffuser. It always gets a compliment when the patient steps into the room – ‘Ooh that’s lovely, what is the smell?’ Good conversation starter too!

And in your next life?

I would be a cat because I could sleep all day, find the warmest cosiest spot in the house undisturbed, and have fun playing outside

Instagram @zaheera_acupuncture