Just ten questions? Beth Mottershead

Summer 2023 | Treats
Beth Mottershead
Member: Shrewsbury, Shropshire & Llangollen, Denbighshire
What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My natural body clock – plus all of us Chinese medicine practitioners know what’s supposed to happen between 5 and 7am!

What would you save in a fire?

Anyone in the building – everything else is replaceable

How do you get your qi moving?

A good session in the garden or allotment or a good walk – both get my qi moving and calm my shen.

Advice for your seven-year-old self?

You don’t need to be perfect

Advice for your 70-year-old self?

Do it… you’re younger today than you’ll ever be again

What makes you sweat?

The menopause!!

Your biggest headache?

Quite literally… migraines! But acupuncture is by far the best medicine I’ve found and is the very reason I decided, aged 18, that I wanted to be an acupuncturist ‘when I grow up!’ – it only took me another 16 years to start my acupuncture degree!

What makes you feel alive?

Swimming in the sea

Favourite thing in your clinic room?

Other than my needles, I’d probably say the morning sunlight that bathes the room in the most beautiful golden, warm light – not really an object I suppose but I love it all the same!

And in your next life?

I’m coming back as a well loved dog – or a blackbird so I can sit in the top of a tree and sing to my heart’s content

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