Hot moxa for hot conditions

Summer 2023 | Practice
Oran Kivity
Overseas Member: Taiwan
In this short demonstration video, Oran Kivity talks about various moxa techniques before introducing Ontake warm bamboo and its effective use in the treatment of hot conditions.

British acupuncturist, author and coach, Oran Kivity trained in Europe, China, and Japan. In continuous practice since 1987, he specialised in Japanese methods and in 2000, was a founder member of Toyohari UK, the British branch of the Toyohari Association of Japan.

In recent years, he developed the Ontake Method, a rhythmic moxibustion method using heated bamboo. Oran lived and worked in Malaysia from 2005 till the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, when he moved to Taiwan. The author of five books, he now practises, writes, coaches and teaches from the southern port town of Kaohsiung, where he lives happily by a river, near a lake and close to the sea.

A safe practice note from the BAcC
When using moxa in your practice, please make sure of the following:

  • you are properly trained in any technique you wish to use
  • all equipment is single use and thoroughly clean prior to use
  • you are fully familiar with pages 114/115 of the BAcC Guide to Safe Practice