Feldenkrais taster

 2023 | Treats
Mhairi MacInnes
Feldenkrais® Practitioner: Vienna & Orkney
This 20-minute Awareness through Movement experience introduces one of Dr Feldenkrais's seminal lessons on the primary image.

Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) is the do-it-yourself aspect of the Feldenkrais Method. It uses a combination of gentle movement and relaxed attention to engage your brain’s neuroplasticity on your body’s behalf. Awareness Through Movement can begin making a positive difference right away. Feldenkrais Access, User’s Guide

The inspiration for me in suggesting this lesson in particular is that it is about the primary relationship we have with ourselves. It demonstrates how transformation can be immediate and simple, using our most intelligent ability, our attention, to sense the growth potential within each of us.

Our learning is unstoppable when we reduce effort and learn to sense more. The reaching upwards of the arms and the rooting into the ground of our feet can give us a deep sense of wellbeing – we literally tend the garden within ourselves.

Mhairi MacInnes is a Feldenkrais® Practitioner and Child’Space® practitioner working with people of all sorts from newborns to 90-year-olds.

She comes from a background of music and drama and likes to be active. Most recently this has taken her to a project in India working with a tree planting organic farm school and a tribal hospital. ‘It is remarkable how Feldenkrais can be cohesive in a community setting and this is an area that fascinates me.’

Find out more and try a lesson every week from varimoves.com