Just ten questions? CT Holman

Spring 2024 | Treats
CT Holman
Acupuncturist: Oregon, US
A clinician with over 20 years of practice, CT Holman teaches internationally, operates a busy general family practice in Oregon, and is the author of two textbooks, Treating Emotional Trauma With Chinese Medicine and Shamanism In Chinese Medicine. Imagine our delight when he agreed to answer every one of our less-than-serious questions!

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

My alarm clock – ha ha! But seriously, my qigong practice

What makes you feel alive?

Dropping into the zone practising medicine, walking in nature, paddling my kayak, and playing drums

One-way ticket to…?

Inner peace

Desert island disc?

Exile by The Rolling Stones

Desert island book?

Opening the Dragon Gate: The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard by Chen Kaiguo and Zheng Shunchao

Superpower of choice?

Endless energy

Guiltiest pleasure?

Punk rock drumming

Fantasy dinner party guests?

Wang Liping, Keith Richards, Gene Krupa and Aretha Franklin

If you weren’t an acupuncturist then what?

Professional drummer

What’s your diagnosis?


Favourite thing in your clinic room?

Hand painted scrolls of several Chinese medicine ancestors

Worst nightmare?

AI taking over creative expression

Advice for your seven-year-old self?

It’s all going to be OK

Advice for your seventy-year-old self?

It’s all going to be OK

Favourite proverb?

Knowledge is infinite, a human life is finite, why seek the infinite with the finite?

What’s your animal?


What has life taught you?

To have fun and seek a work-life balance

And in your next life?

Wait and see 😊

What question do you wish you’d been asked?

Why did you choose a career in East Asian Medicine?

Want to tell us a joke?

You can’t choose your ancestors, but you can choose your therapist
