Our commitment to an inclusive community
The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) is committed to developing a diverse, equal, and truly inclusive workplace and community by valuing, celebrating, and embracing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).
Everyone has the right to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect, to live without fear or prejudice regardless of race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, identity, social class, religion, and belief.
We are committed to equity, recognising that we do not all start from the same place and we must acknowledge and make reasonable adjustments where there are imbalances. We embrace diversity, and will treat everyone with dignity and respect, by creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. The BAcC understand that an inclusive environment can only be created once we are more aware of our unconscious biases and have learnt how to manage them.
We have our codes of conduct and internal policies that our members and staff adhere to, and do everything possible to ensure that no discrimination occurs during any of our procedures and processes. We make all our staff and contractors aware of this policy and encourage them to undertake EDI awareness training where appropriate.
Valuing diversity
The British Acupuncture Council believe equality is not about treating everyone the same; it is about ensuring that the opportunities that are available are accessible to all. We do this by taking account of people’s different needs and capabilities and ensure they are not discriminated against because of their characteristics.
We recognise that diversity is about acknowledging and valuing differences through inclusion, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial origin, religion, belief, sexual orientation, or identification, part-time or shift work, language, union activity, HIV status, perspectives, opinions, and person value.
These values are in accordance with our strategic aims and objectives to uphold professional standards, help our members to deliver best practice and run the BAcC as an organisation that is open and accountable.
Our aims and responsibilities for 2024 and beyond
As the leading self-regulatory body for the practice of traditional acupuncture in the UK, the BAcC has a duty to act in the best interests of our staff, our members, and all patients, all of whom come from diverse backgrounds with diverse needs. It is in the interest of the BAcC to have insight and the ability to support diversity within our own administrative structure, our members, and the patients they serve.
We are aware that there is much work to be done to achieve the changes needed to accomplish a fairer future for all and have acknowledged this need within our Reasonable adjustment policy.
- Create a member EDI working group to progress on issues, testimonials, and members’ best practice.
- Survey our members and staff on EDI to identify areas for improvement.
- Undertake mandatory training for all staff.
- Review all standards for policy documents to ensure appropriate and inclusive language.
- Monitor closely our internal processes to ensure controls are in place.
- Ensure EDI factors can be identified on our risk registers and action is taken to support staff and member needs.
- Determine if additional support is required for members and the public with protected characteristics.
- Provide information for members to aid them in their compliance under the law in their interactions with patients and other members.
- Undertake campaigns on EDI for all members with appropriate speakers, resources, and materials.
- Continuously review our communications policy to ensure it supports a culture promoting EDI, including but not limited to content imagery, highlighting key calendar dates/events.
The BAcC complies with the Equality Act 2010 (the ‘Act’) and understands its duties under it. As both an employer and a professional body, we treat any reports of discrimination seriously and ensure any such reports are investigated, with appropriate action taken, in line with our internal policies and procedures.
Reasonable adjustment policy
This policy illustrates the changes we plan to make to the way we usually do things to ensure that we are fair to all our members, our staff and people who access our services.
Standards & Codes
The British Acupuncture Council sets the highest standards of professional practice for the acupuncture profession in the UK.
Internal Standards of Ethics
These guidelines outline the standards we expect from our staff, directors, and committee members when carrying out their duties.