2022 ARRC symposium and BAcC annual conference – what a weekend!

This year, the ARRC Symposium and the BAcC Annual Conference came together for a long weekend in September and what a great weekend it was!

From research papers, round table discussions and inspirational speakers, to practical techniques, movement sessions and connecting with friends, we hope there was something for everyone.

Our Saturday evening gala dinner was an opportunity to congratulate our new BAcC Fellows – Rebecca Avern (nominated in 2021 but finally able to receive her award in person!), Phil Rose-Neil and Sarah Budd (unfortunately unable to attend and receive her award in person).

As we know, our Fellows are practitioners who have been a Member of the BAcC for at least ten years, have done valuable work to raise the profile of acupuncture as a profession, and/or have made a huge impact on the working lives of their peers in acupuncture and beyond. We were delighted to award Rebecca, Phil and Sarah for their incredible efforts.

Thanks to everyone who attended the events – our members, guests, speakers, supporters and sponsors – it really was so nice to come together in person, meeting face to face after all this time and we look forward to doing it again next year!

We hope you enjoy the memories below – feel free to download your favourite images. For our other informal images from the weekend, please visit our social channels.

Caroline Hedges
Communications Manager
October 2022

“I thought the conference turned out well in terms of venue and the choice of speakers – there seemed to be something of interest for everyone”

“It was really great to meet, chat and for us all to get to know each other better!”

“Thanks again for the invitation. I had a really good time!”

“Fantastic to see people in person at last!”