Cycles of Life
From the different phases of life in the patients that we treat, to the ever changing seasons and the interplay of yin and yang. We are always engaging with cycles in our practice of Chinese medicine. It is with that in mind that we are delighted to reveal this year’s conference theme: Cycles of Life.

We are excited to explore this theme in many ways. From the highly useful workshops on how to tailor our treatments for our patients at different phases of thier lives, to the deep insights into classical theory and with the practical sessions as well. This year’s conference has everything you need to refine your cyclical knowledge and reconnect you to the ever-changing Dao!
Opportunities for every generation
The significance of the theme to this year’s conference does not stop there. We also go through phases and development of our practice and our community. Our organisations also go through milestones too. This year being the 30th anniversary of the British Acupuncture Council, it is an ideal time for us to come together as a community, reflect on where we have been and where we look forward to go, together, in the future. This conference will also provide many opportunities for each generation, to meet each other, to participate in the long Chinese medicine tradition; passing the torch of the medicine through the ranks of our memberships. From stalwart to student, all are welcome and celebrated.
Our keynote speaker: Elisabeth Rochat de La Vallée
With this in mind, we could not have wished for a better keynote speaker. We are incredibly fortunate to be hosting none other than the inspirational Elisabeth Rochat de La Vallée. Elisabeth’s work is beloved by all, no matter the style or lineage of practice. She will be lending her boundless enthusiasm and timeless spirit to the keynote lecture on our conference theme character – Jie (node, phase). She will also be speaking on the Sunday on the phases of gestation in pregnancy.
As another first, Elisabeth’s keynote lecture will be followed by a live recording of our new venture, The Cultivating Tradition Podcast inviting multiple special guests to participate.
Conference lineup
Whatever our focus and specialty in our practice, we have to factor in age and development as it is likely that all age ranges enter our clinics. The conference lineup has been tailored to assist you to enhance your treatment outcomes in the clinic with content from every phase of life. As it is a joint BAcC-RCHM conference, there is also an abundance of both acupuncture and herbal content as well as philosophical and practical diagnostic lectures applicable to all therapies. Each session will give you additional functional tools, thoughts and inspiration to begin using in your clinical practice from the moment you land home.
Rebecca Avern will share her insights on using acupuncture with children who have ADHD, while Moshe Heller will also expound on Jing and immunity in paediatrics. Qing Zhang will then address fertility with TCM strategies for recurrent implantation failure. Advancing in age, Yair Maimon shares his clinical experience regarding menopause while Moshe Heller continues his investigation into Jing and immunity into older age. Conny Cooper explains how to treat the sinews with acupuncture and herbs at different stages of life, with case examples from different age groups. Andrew Flower shares his love for large herbal formulae in treating complex complaints, that are common in the elderly.
This great journey through life is rounded off with some engaging panel discussions. One of them comparing paediatrics and geriatrics, learning from their similarities and differences. Plus a different panel discussion addressing the very salient question of how we retire as Chinese medicine practitioners?
There is a great emphasis on the practical sessions at this year’s conference and this is exemplified by our special focus on diagnosis. Have you ever wondered why pulses in the elderly do not seem to conform to those you might expect? Jamie Hamilton gives a two part masterclass on the geriatric pulse, through the lens of the extraordinary channels. This is followed by Jen Wade’s clinical insights on 5 element diagnosis using Colour, Sound, Odour and Emotion.
In addition to the practical, we are incredibly fortunate to have several speakers to take us through the complexity of theory relating to cycles. Deborah Woolf and Elisabeth Rochat de La Vallee give us a classical grounding and Angie Hicks lifts us up with her great realisations in the applicability of spirals to both theory and needle technique, but don’t expect to be sat still for all of this session. This is followed by a panel discussion where BAcC CEO, Alex Jacobs, joins the speakers to discuss how we use the Chinese understanding of cycles, to have real world practical effects.
Finally, this is a conference that while reflecting on the past, looks forwards to our future. Research presentations will be given by current students and academics, then on to a roundtable discussion with key figures in Chinese medicine and traditional medicine from around the world to discuss the future of this great tradition across the globe.
Conference location: Kents Hill Park Training and Conference Centre, Milton Keynes
The location of a conference is key to its success and we are particularly excited about this venue. The lush and vibrant Kents Hill Park Training and Conference Centre in Milton Keynes is centrally located and very accessible. It is situated on top of a hill and has greenery all around. There is a beautiful central common, where qigong classes will be held each morning. The venue offers very reasonably priced onsite bed and breakfast, making it an incredibly affordable event. If all of that was not enough of an enticement, attendance at the venue also gains you access to a fully featured onsite gym complete with swimming pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi! Yes a jacuzzi, a great way to unwind after all the learning and socialising, so bring your swimmers! Take a look at this drone video walk through that the venue have on YouTube.
With all guests in one place on this beautiful summer weekend (we are putting that vision out there), we will be able to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. There will be a special emphasis on facilitating all the generations of practitioners, to meet and interact with each other. Students and new practitioners are very welcome we have many longer-standing practitioners that are interested and excited to meet you, as you are the future of Chinese medicine in the UK.
Browsing our sponsors
Conference shopping is one of the highlights of the weekend. We all thoroughly enjoy browsing through the stalls and interacting with the business owners and staff that we buy our supplies from throughout the year. Often, our sponsors bring new gadgets and stocks to showcase at the conference, which is an experience that can’t be replicated by purchasing them online. Additionally, the generous conference discounts they frequently offer make attending the conference even more enticing.
Without our sponsors, the conference wouldn’t be the same; it would be much more expensive for one, but the shopping between sessions really brings more richness to the take-home benefits we all get for attending the conference.
A big THANK YOU goes out to our past sponsors, and we all look forward to seeing you again this year.
Celebration dinner

On the Saturday evening, we will hold a joint BAcC and RCHM celebration dinner with some fun interactive activities to help you get to know your fellow practitioners. This will also be a perfect opportunity to celebrate the BAcC’s 30th anniversary together as one community. Enjoying each other’s company, meeting new friends and looking towards a bright future.
Past generations have built and passed down to us an amazing profession that we should be incredibly grateful for. The fact that we can come together and celebrate what we all have in common is testament to the community building efforts that has taken place over multiple decades. This will also be celebrated all year with a number of joint events and webinars, free for both BAcC and RCHM members. Look out for future emails with further details.
To book your place at the conference and secure your earlybird discount, visit the conference website here
The website also has full details of the speakers, talks, timetable and how to book your accommodation, dinner tickets and travel to the venue.
Book your place today!