The UK Conference of Chinese Medicine 2024 – sessions on integrated projects

Integrated projects is an umbrella term which describes any project where BAcC Members work with other healthcare professionals and organisations. The benefits of integrated projects are multifaceted. They offer the chance for us to work with other practitioners to discuss treatment strategies and improve our practise, and they lend themselves to collection of data which can in turn be used to publish research articles.

So let’s hear from BAcC Members who will be speaking about integrated projects at this years conference.

Joe Jennings MBAcC – Making acupuncture accessible to all: conspiring to integrate with the NHS
Joe will talk on his experiences, joys and epic fails on the way to making acupuncture more accessible. The end goal was, and still is, integration with the NHS as without that our awesome profession will be limited to those who can afford it, which is a reducing population given the rising cost of capitalism and inequality.

In the last couple of years, he’s worked harder on NHS integration, and even succeeding for a bit. He has a fair bit to share on working with the NHS, attracting funding via the big lottery fund and ways we can work together to push this ambition forward.

Joe graduated from Middlesex University in 2011, since then he’s focused on making acupuncture accessible for all. He’s been running a busy community clinic in East Oxford for eight years, has set up 12 others across the UK. Most failed. He’s worked in the NHS, sits on the board of ACMAC and has set up YourClinic.

Read a recent article from Joe about his love for community clinics, in the latest Acu. winter 2024.

Delivering ear acupuncture for anxiety in an NHS setting: from conception to delivery and future directions. Practitioner insights with Fleur Clackson MBAcC, Jennie Heckford MBAcC and Wendy Williams MBAcC

At the beginning of 2023, Inner Gloucester Primary Care Network (PCN), along with BAcC support, set up an acupuncture service. The acupuncture is delivered by three BAcC Members: Fleur Clackson, Jennie Heckford, Wendy Williams. The benefits of the service have exceeded expectations and has resulted in interest from other PCNs. This collaboration between Inner Gloucester (PCN), the practitioners and the BAcC has led to the development of a toolkit to support other PCNs establishing similar services.

This 90 minute session is a mixture of presentation and interactive discussion exploring acupuncture intervention for anxiety:

  • The set up – from concept to delivery
  • Development – their experience in shaping and improving the service
  • What happens next – future possibilities
  • Challenges and successes from the perspective of patients, BAcC Members and NHS commissioners

This will be a valuable session for those who may be interested in developing and delivering similar services within the NHS.

About the practitioners

Fleur graduated from The City College of Acupuncture, London. Alongside her private practice in Dalston, she worked at NHS Guy’s and St Thomas’ multi-bed acupuncture clinic, GATEWAY. In 2022 she moved her acupuncture practice to the West Country, where she now lives. She treats privately at Neals Yard in the city of Bath. She also co-develops and co-delivers two weekly NHS acupuncture clinics for Gloucester’s Inner City Primary Care Network.

Jennie graduated from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM) in 2008. Alongside her private practice she spent 14 years working as part of a multidisciplinary team delivering acupuncture 1-2-1 and ear acupuncture in groups to breast cancer patients, both on behalf of a national charity and within the NHS. Before qualifying as an acupuncturist Jennie worked in public health and health promotion developing local health policy. Jennie lives and practices in Gloucestershire where she is part of a team delivering acupuncture services to Gloucester Inner City Primary Care Network.

Wendy graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) in 2017 and now practices in both the private and public NHS sectors in Cheltenham and Gloucester. She is involved in developing and running a pain clinic and a group ear acupuncture program for anxiety for Gloucester Inner City Primary Care Network. Wendy has spent a year studying herbs to expand her knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.

If you would like to hear more about setting up your own multibed within an NHS setting then please do join us on Sunday 30 June for an open discussion with Ian Appleyard PhD MBAcC, Joe Jennings MBAcC, Mandy Brass MBAcC and Beverley de Valois FBAcC. Mandy and Beverley have both done extensive work around integrated oncology in a primary care setting – you can read more about their work here. Our open discussions are a great opportunity to learn from specialists in the field and ask any questions you may have. All guests are welcome.

This year is so much more than just a conference, it is an opportunity for us to come together, gather our energy of intention and manifest the future that this great medicine deserves. We invite you to be a part of everything that is happening this year, connect with your fellow practitioners and have a fantastic time in the process! Read the full speaker line-up here.

About The UK Conference of Chinese Medicine 2024
Join us on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June for The UK Conference of Chinese Medicine 2024 at the Manchester Business School – All Saints Campus. Book your tickets today!

By The British Acupuncture Council and Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine
April 2024