Our integrated projects – driving momentum to work in partnership

Earlier this year, our Research & Policy Manager, Ian Appleyard, introduced his vision for ‘Integrated Projects’ – an umbrella term which describes any project where BAcC acupuncturists work with other healthcare professionals and organisations.

In early September, BAcC was approached about an opportunity with Inner Gloucester Primary Care Network (PCN), who had obtained funding to provide acupuncture as part of their Enhanced Access services – great news! This year’s annual conference followed, where we had an Open Discussion session to consider the opportunities and challenges of working in collaboration with mainstream healthcare services and other organisations such as charities.

With a tremendously positive response from members, we were able to advertise the NHS vacancies to members and we’re pleased to say that our BAcC members have now been appointed and the inner Gloucester project should begin in two-three weeks. Congratulations to our successful candidates, who are all looking forward to the opportunity.

As the project gets off the ground, we’ll be keeping in contact with our successful candidates to hear how things are going. Please keep an eye on our website and social channels for updates.

Working to raise the profile of our members

Our Professional Recognition Working Group (PRWG), a subset of our Membership Services Committee (MSC), meets regularly to consider different avenues of encouraging recognition of our profession and promoting our members’ high standards and professionalism.

Currently, the BAcC has a number of interested commissioning leads, and we are working on finalising an information pack of evidence and examples to send to other NHS interested parties.

How you can get involved

We have included some case study examples to highlight what is already happening and would like to add more. We would love our members to help contribute to this evidence and examples pack, so we’d like to hear from BAcC members who are currently working in NHS settings providing acupuncture for any reason. Please send in a short description of how you are currently using acupuncture in any NHS roles.

We would also like to hear from members who have contacts within the NHS who may be interested in receiving this evidence and examples pack. Interested parties may be commissioning leads or directors in Primary Care Networks, hospital commissioners, senior GPs and consultants etc.

For further information about working collaboratively, please contact myself: h.bowie-carlin@acupuncture.org.uk, or Ian Appleyard: i.appleyard@acupuncture.org.uk.

Hannah Bowie-Carlin
Safe Practice Officer
October 2022