It’s World Acupuncture Awareness Day 2022!

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This year, World Acupuncture Awareness Day (WAAD) acknowledges the 12th anniversary of traditional acupuncture and moxibustion being recognised as a world heritage. Hear more from the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ETCMA).

Traditional acupuncture is a healthcare system used in the East for over 2,000 years. Acupuncture adopts an holistic approach to healthcare, considering the mind and body as one, and is based on the idea that a blockage or disturbance in the flow of ‘Qi’ (a concept from Chinese philosophy), can cause health issues.

Traditional Chinese Medical theory views pain and illness as an indication that the body is out of balance. The aim of acupuncture treatment is to stimulate the body’s natural healing system and restore health and equilibrium.

Acupuncturists insert very fine needles into specific points throughout the body, along pathways known as ‘meridians’, to regulate body processes and functions, balance the body energies, stimulate healing, and promote relaxation. Other techniques can include moxibustion and cupping.

Did you know?

The Chinese word for acupuncture is zhenjiu (针灸). The first character ‘zhen’ means needle, the second character ‘jiu’ means moxibustion. Moxibustion is the burning of an herb called moxa (Chinese Mugwort, Artemisia argyi) to warm specific parts of the body, including acupuncture points. Archaeological evidence suggests that moxibustion was the most commonly practised method of stimulating the points when acupuncture first began. The use of moxibustion is perhaps one of the most obvious differences between traditional and medical acupuncture.

Keep an eye on our news and social channels this week for more fascinating facts about acupuncture.

Why choose acupuncture?

Acupuncture is widely used all over the world as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other forms of medicine. In East Asian countries, it is integral to mainstream healthcare.

Acupuncture with a trained and fully qualified practitioner is one of the safest forms of healthcare you can choose, combining the art of diagnosis with the skill of practice.

People of all ages can benefit from having acupuncture to help manage a range of health conditions, including painful conditions such as osteoarthritis of the knee, headaches, or lower back pain.

Other people choose acupuncture when their body systems feel out of balance, even though they have no obvious symptoms. Some choose to have regular treatment because they find it beneficial and relaxing, especially if they lead a very stressful life.

There is an increasing amount of evidence which demonstrates the effectiveness of acupuncture in helping to manage certain conditions. Acupuncture is included in NICE clinical guidelines for primary chronic pain and headaches.

Our members

British Acupuncture Council members are trained in one or more traditionally based system of acupuncture: such as TCM, Five Elements, Stems and Branches, Japanese Meridian Therapy, and many others. These styles differ slightly in needling and diagnostic techniques, but all trace their roots back to the classical texts such as the Yellow Thearch’s Canon of Internal Medicine: huangdi neijing (黄帝内经).

The aim of the British Acupuncture Council is to establish the highest standards of professional practice for the Acupuncture profession in the UK.

BAcC members are degree level trained or above and are listed on the Accredited Register of the professional standards authority (PSA). This offers a quality mark for high standards of training, safe practice and professional conduct.

If you’re interested in trying acupuncture or would like to find a BAcC member practitioner in your area, please click here.

Thank you for supporting World Acupuncture Awareness Day 
