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The inner seasons and elemental phases of the female cycle with Juliet Bromby Phillips

In line with our annual conference – ‘Cycles of Life’ themed lecture series, Juliet Bromby-Phillips MBAcC shares her wisdom on supporting women with attunement to the cycles in nature and life.

Juliet will explain how we can discover our own body wisdom by tuning into our internal rhythms and cycles. This is presented through the experience of female cycles and the energetic lifelong imprint of nature. However, the talk will elucidate this principle to support the understanding of the universal nature of cycles and extends this insight to men so that they can deepen their knowledge and understanding of the cyclic nature of women.  This will help all to understand the importance of taking cycles into account when talking to, treating and supporting women in our clinics.

This session is so much more than gynaecology & obstetrics – it is applicable to all situations where women seek treatment as we are cyclic by nature in everything that we do and need.

Please click here to register for the event.

Learning, Online, Webinar


Tue 29 April - Tue 29 April 2025
7.00pm - 8.30pm

The inner seasons and elemental phases of the female cycle with Juliet Bromby Phillips

Tue 29 April - Tue 29 April 2025 
7.00pm - 8.30pm