Achievements 2022 – what a busy year!

2 December 2022

Life is busy, and no less so for the BAcC team. Emerging from a pandemic and making great strides in restoring our depleted reserves, we’re delighted at the key milestones we’ve achieved and delivered on this year for the benefit of our members.

Launch of our new website and member database

It was a long time coming but our new website, which launched in the summertime, was designed with member input and is fully integrated with our new membership database. It offers improved site structure and navigation and an altogether better experience for members, the public and our staff. Meanwhile, our new database – with its ease of use, automation potential, self-serve functionality and data provision – allows us to build capability for the future. [Read more here]

As we move into 2023 and as the website develops, we want to ensure that its content is optimised to raise the profile of both the BAcC and our members – emphasising the gold standard of training and codes of practice – and to raise awareness of acupuncture as a valid healthcare option, reflecting the tradition and relevance of acupuncture for all.

Members had their say in our annual members’ survey

Putting members at the heart of what we do is one of our core strategic aims. We strive to always listen to our members, to seek their views via our different channels and, this year, has been no different. Nearly 350 members responded to this year’s survey, which gave us a baseline understanding of how, in members’ opinion, we are delivering against our strategic aims and our levels of communication. A summary of the results, data and responses can be found here. We will continue to provide regular opportunities for engagement and increasing opportunities for two-way dialogue as we move into 2023.

Our annual ‘in person’ conference returned!

This year, after a two-year hiatus, our BAcC Annual Conference returned ‘in person’. Not only that,  the ARRC Symposium and the conference came together for a long weekend in September – what a great weekend it was! From research papers, round table discussions and inspirational speakers, to practical techniques, movement sessions and connecting with friends, we hope there was something for everyone. It was great to receive such positive feedback and we’re looking forward to sharing details about next year’s event very soon.

As we now look forward and plan for 2023, much of our work will build on some of the great foundations we’ve laid down this year, including:

  • developing more collaborative opportunities in the ‘Integrated Projects’ space
  • delivering a more structured and aligned communications plan
  • increasing membership through targeted campaigns
  • delivering our 2023 ARRC & Annual Conference and our ’Let’s talk about…’ campaigns
  • providing new factsheets and engagement with NICE guidelines
  • continued website development to provide more resources to members
  • working with accredited course providers to support students and aid conversion into membership


The BAcC Strategy 2021-26

The strategy document sets out our vision, mission, values and key aims and objectives over the next five years and high-level measures of success.