Post-graduate diplomas at CICM

Have you thought about adding a specialism to your practice? Are you passionate about a particular area of Chinese Medicine? Is there a certain group of patients you just love working with? Or maybe you just want to deepen your knowledge even further?

At the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine we offer a series of post graduate diploma courses to qualified acupuncturists, to take your knowledge and confidence, as well as your clinical practice, to the next level.


Paediatrics Diploma

Starting on Wednesday 11th September 2024, our paediatric acupuncture diploma is taught by Rebecca Avern, Danny Blyth, Lynn Diskin and Julian Scott. This in-depth course will enable you to expand your practice to treat the whole family. It will fully equip you to treat babies, children and teenagers for a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions. The diploma will address why children become ill, as well as how to diagnose and treat them. The course will also cover how to treat many common childhood conditions. You will be guided in using both needling for children, as well as other methods of treatment including tuina, massage, and ear seeds.

Gynaecology, Fertility & Obstetrics

Obs Gynae Fertility

We have a fully online diploma, starting on Thursday 19th September 2024, with Jill Glover, Kim Chan, Clare Venters Smith and Sharon Yelland. This post graduate online course combines the diagnosis and treatment of women at all life stages – covering pre-conception to pregnancy related conditions, through to post-birth replenishment, menstrual issues and the menopause. Acupuncture is a popular treatment choice for infertility, and for women looking to avoid medication during pregnancy. Wider coverage in the media around menopause has also increased the number of patients seeking our help with symptoms. This course builds upon undergraduate training in these areas, to fully equip attendees to increase effectiveness and confidence.


Tuina Diploma

From Friday 10th January 2025, with Alex Evans, Kevin Young and Sarah Pritchard, this 6 month practical diploma will enable you to use tuina massage as a stand-alone therapy or as an adjunct to your acupuncture practice. This potent therapeutic massage system is hands-on and palpation-based. Tuina is a complete medical system, with a comprehensive set of diagnostics and techniques. As such, it can increase the effectiveness of your treatments by diagnosing and treating a wide range of issues, from muscular-skeletal injuries, to internal organs disharmonies, to Shen based issues. This diploma also includes tuina and moxa for menstrual and fertility issues.

You can learn more about each diploma, the full course dates, fees, and how to apply here.

Or contact our registrar if you have any questions at all –