A new term – a new start

Autumn is here and new students are joining colleges to study acupuncture.

BAcC has traditionally given introductory presentations for 1st year students to let them know about our organisation, our work and what we can do for our members.

We offer free student membership to all students of BAAB accredited training institutions, and most students do join us at some point during their studies. Of course, we’d love all students to join us, so we’re really keen to develop our student engagement programme as we go into 2023.

We would like our students to make the best of their free Student membership and understand the value of what we offer and, hopefully, this will make their decision to become Full members of BAcC easier, once they graduate.

A great range of benefits

There is a lot to benefit from; access to information such as news, blogs, fact sheets and research related articles, Acu and EJOM magazines, and a multitude of webinars providing a range of learning opportunities. We try to create a sense of community through social media and our regional group network, all available to members including students who want to get involved. And, of course, there are discounts for members (who doesn’t like a discount?!), most notably discounts for our tickets to the Annual Conference, where student members can buy their tickets at a significantly reduced rate.

So far this Autumn, we have done three presentations for first year students – two online sessions, for The Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa and Lincoln College, and the most recent one (pictured above) for the City College of Acupuncture in London, which was delivered in person. It was lovely to visit a real college as it was my first visit in person. Hannah Bowie-Carlin, our Safe Practice Officer, delivered the presentation and also talked about some of her experience as an acupuncturist and about her work with BAcC. It was so nice to engage with everyone and we received over 20 questions on a whole range of topics from this very lively group of students. In the end, the teachers had to stop the questions as they needed to continue with their first day of Anatomy!

We are looking forward to future sessions, with some more in the pipeline soon. In November, we will be doing two online sessions for 3rd year students of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading and the Acupuncture Academy in Leamington Spa. Although we love meeting face to face, the world is now a different place, with different ways of working for many, so we’ll continue to run our hybrid approach to presentations in the near future. We also welcome any feedback on our delivery, as it is our goal to provide the information about everything we have to offer, in the best possible way.

Lucia Misikova
Membership Engagement Officer
October 2022