Mandatory Declaration

As a current member of the British Acupuncture Council you are agreeing to comply with the requirements of the BAcC codes and the standards of the Professional Standards Authority.

Please read the statements below regarding your membership. Practising members must ensure they meet the declaration requirements, and must inform the BAcC in writing of any changes to their situation.

Part A – Criminal and professional proceedings declaration

  1. You have not been under investigation, cautioned or convicted of any criminal offences.
    (NB Since BAcC members work with children, the elderly and vulnerable adults they are exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)
  2. No disciplinary proceedings and/or findings have been made against you by any acupuncture professional register or other healthcare professional register or association, or any teaching institution or government authority, whether international, national or local.
  3.  You have not been disqualified as a director of any company or been declared bankrupt or had a bankruptcy petition filed against you.

Part B – Health declaration

  1. You have not had an emotional disturbance or psychological illness that has seriously impaired your fitness to practise acupuncture or any other healthcare profession.
  2. You have not had a physical illness that has seriously impaired your fitness to practise acupuncture or any other healthcare profession.
  3. You have not been or become dependent on alcohol or drugs, whether prescribed or non-prescribed.
  4. You have not begun to suffer from any disability that might affect your fitness to practise as an acupuncturist.

Part C – Continuing professional development (CPD) declaration

You have engaged in a minimum of 30 hrs CPD activity in the calendar year, and have maintained an ongoing record of your CPD activity, or, if you are in your first 12 months of membership you have created a professional development plan (PDP).


Part D – Compliance with current legislation declaration

  1. Local authority registration and licensing
    (For practitioners outside Greater London and within the City of London) You are properly registered under the Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1982 for all of the practices in which you work. Under the terms of the Act registration applies to each person for every practice (unless a specific group practice arrangement is in place).
    (For practitioners within Greater London Boroughs, excluding the City of London) You have contacted your local Environmental Health Department of your practice to inform them of your exemption from licensing under the London Local Authorities Act 1991.
    (For practitioners in Scotland) You have ensured that you are licensed for all practices where you work under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
  2. Hazardous waste collection
    You have ensured that your waste collection and sharps disposal arrangements comply with the current Hazardous Waste legislation requirements.
  3. Fire safety legislation
    You have completed an audit of your fire safety arrangements as required under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, and your premises meet the current fire safety requirements.

Part E – Compliance with BAcC codes declaration

  1. Safe practice self-audit
    You have completed your annual safe practice self-audit, to be kept within each practice.
  2. General declarations
    You confirm that you have read and understood the BAcC Code of Professional Conduct and the BAcC Code of Safe Practice and agree to be bound by them, and that you will inform the BAcC of any changes to any of your practice details as soon as they occur.

Independent accreditation

Accreditation by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care