Welcome to our new website!

Yes, it’s been a long time coming but our staff, together with our external partners, Kino, have been working tirelessly to deliver a fresh, more modern website, with new and improved functionality.

Designed with member input and fully integrated with our membership database, our website also offers improved site structure and navigation – an altogether better experience for members, the public and our staff.

For our members

The member dashboard is an exciting new addition. It not only gives our members the ability to manage their personal information themselves, but also allows them to personalise their practice details and offers them ‘at a glance’ information on their adjunct therapy insurance cover.

With improved navigation, we hope we’ve made it easier for members to find the resources and information they need across both the public and member areas.

The document archive hosts popular resources, including: Acu. magazine from 2011 onwards, webinars, annual reviews from 2006-2021, governing board minutes and conference playbacks. For now, these go back to 2019 but uploading our fantastic back catalogue is not a quick job! Please be patient whilst we continue to add these in the back end.

A note for members: When accessing the new website for the first time, you may need to re-enter your membership log in details.

For the public

As a professional organisation that the public recognises, it’s important that our website reflects us and the role we hold – promoting BAcC membership and providing information about acupuncture to a wider audience.

We hope the improved functionality of the search tool puts information easily at people’s fingertips.

Similarly, the ‘Find a Practitioner’ tool, will help anyone interested in locating a practitioner in their local area, offering individual records for practitioners and detailing a little more information.

With a mobile-first approach, we’re also delighted with how our new website displays on a phone, improving accessibility of information.

As we continue to populate and review the site, content will continue to evolve – we look forward to receiving content contributions from members and stakeholders.

For staff

With our new database, we are working in the back end to build for the future. The opportunity it offers our administrative users is huge.

With its ease of use, automation potential, self-serve functionality and data provision, our team can focus less on time-consuming administrative tasks. Instead, they’re looking forward to engaging more with our members.

Our upgraded website admin system offers ease of use, flexibility and expandability, meaning we can be more agile in our approach to providing up-to-date and relevant digital content.

So, where do we go from here?

This is not a static website, a done deal, a fait accompli. Things are evolving on a daily basis and this ‘go live’ is just the beginning. We’ll be continually adding to the document archive, we’ll be ‘stocking the shelves’ of the shop, we’ll be constantly reviewing the content published. We most definitely have more to come, and we’ll be keeping members updated during future development phases.

As you familiarise yourself with our new website, please do let us know if you spot anything that may need attention. Please email: info@acupuncture.org.uk

We hope you’re excited – we are!

Caroline Hedges
Communications Manager
August 2022